Analysis of "Commitments of traders" reports on 2017.08.22



The Commitments of Traders data shows a slight increase in open interest to 554,716 contracts.

The total positions of commercials increased by 9.5% to -108240 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators decreased by 9.2% to 85,344 contracts.

British Pound

British Pound

The Commitments of Traders report indicates an increase in open interest by 3.5% to 253066 contracts.

The total positions of commercials increased by 12,580 contracts to 31217 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators decreased by 29.9% to -30218 contracts.

Canadian Dollar

Canadian Dollar

According to the Commitments of Traders, an open interest declined by 5.2% to 225523 contracts.

The total positions of commercials increased by 19.6% to -70440 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators decreased by 19.7% to 52,814 contracts.

Japanese Yen

Japanese Yen

Data from Commitments of Traders show a decrease in open interest by 4.6% to 254266 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 18.9% to 92637 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 18.6% to -81099 contracts.

A relatively high index of total positions among commercials indicates the strengthening of the currency in the medium term.

A relatively high index of total positions among large speculators indicates a weakening of the currency in the medium term.

by JustMarkets, 2017.08.22

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