Analysis of "Commitments of traders" reports on 2017.08.15



The Commitments of Traders data shows a decrease in open interest by 3.3% to 552,858 contracts.

The total position of commercials decreased by 15.6% to -119670 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 15.4% to 93982 contracts.

British Pound

British Pound

The Commitments of Traders report indicates a decrease in open interest by 8.5% to 244,443 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 27.7% to 18637 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 6974 contracts to -23265 contracts.

Canadian Dollar

Canadian Dollar

According to the Commitments of Traders, an open interest increased 1.8% to 237966 contracts.

There is a significant decrease in the total commercials' positions to -87651 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 22087 contracts to 65,739 contracts.

Japanese Yen

Japanese Yen

Data from the Commitments of Traders shows a decrease in open interest by 6.4% to 266,611 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 12.7% to 114,231 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 15.4% to -6,622 contracts.

A relatively high index of total positions among commercials indicates the strengthening of the currency in the medium term.

A relatively high index of total positions among large speculators indicates a weakening of the currency in the medium term.

by JustMarkets, 2017.08.15

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