Analysis of "Commitments of Traders" on 2017.11.21



The Commitments of Traders data indicate an increase in the open interest by 4.8% to 554186 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 3,443 contracts to -95093 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 2.4% to 81418 contracts.

British Pound

British Pound

The Commitments of Traders report indicates a slight increase in the open interest to 219,921 contracts.

The total commercials' positions fell to -3208 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 5609 contracts to -2448 contracts.

Canadian Dollar

Canadian Dollar

According to the Commitments of Traders, the open interest slightly decreased to 167489 contracts.

The total positions of commercials increased by 7.0% to -57474 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators decreased by 7.8% to 46,506 contracts.

Japanese Yen

Japanese Yen

The Commitments of Traders data indicate a slight increase in the open interest to 320,479 contracts.

The total positions of commercials increased by 4.2% to 166072 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators decreased by 8664 contracts to -140151 contracts.

A relatively high index of total positions among commercials indicates the strengthening of the currency in the medium term.

A relatively high index of total positions among large speculators indicates a weakening of the currency in the medium term.

by JustMarkets, 2017.11.21

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