Analysis of "Commitments of Traders" on 2017.11.28



The Commitments of Traders data indicates a slight increase in the open interest to 554,438 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 14.2% to -108596 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 8.4% to 88240 contracts.

British Pound

British Pound

The Commitments of Traders report indicates a slight decrease in the open interest to 218360 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased 6825 contracts to -10033 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 5011 contracts to 2563 contracts.

Canadian Dollar

Canadian Dollar

According to the Commitments of Traders, the open interest rose slightly to 168313 contracts.

The total positions of commercials decreased by 7.0% to -61,508 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators declined by 5.2% to 4,407 contracts.

Japanese Yen

Japanese Yen

The Commitments of Traders data indicate a decrease in the open interest by 6.6% to 299,247 contracts.

The total positions of the commercials decreased by 8.4% to 152126 contracts.

The total positions of large speculators increased by 12350 contracts to -127801 contracts.

A relatively high index of total positions among commercials indicates the strengthening of the currency in the medium term.

A relatively high index of total positions among large speculators indicates a weakening of the currency in the medium term.

by JustMarkets, 2017.11.28

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